Saturday, November 22, 2008

Women of Steel.

Aloha. :)

okay, this is a pretty random post for today, some thoughts that i had after the game. But i was in too much pain from the cramps to talk then. Spare the criticism, blaming and self-reproach. I just wna tell all vjsg soccerooos, Don't bring yourself on your own guilt trip all the time. Although it's really difficult cos it's been ingrained in us alr, always manage a positive approach. :D After every game that i play, the past few being absolutely disastrous, i always come off feeling relieved. why- i know i did my best, i reflect on what i've done wrong and i try to see how i can improve. It's hard to do everything on your own, so i really hope every single one of us can tug tug each other along. On my way to tuition today, i was thinking back on how far we've come ! From the beginning where we didn't know how to kick properly, and now we've tried to focus on patterns of play. There's still so much to learn, so far to go. We need optimistic encouragement, and we need everyone else. Soccer is not an individual game, we are a team.

At the beginning, i always felt utterly awful after a bad trng. Somehow it drives up so much negative emotions in me that i dont know what to think anymore, i feel so tired and angsty. At times, sock will send sweet msges to tell me that i've done well and it really makes my day. :) During gym, Lisa encourages me in her sweet high-pitched," Go Bing! " as im gritting my teeth lifting the weights & it makes everything so much better. Gling held captaincy today, and i could tell that she feels for the team and she tries her best to lead us in the most encouraging way possible. Lisa, Have more confidence! & be more flexible, don't just cheeeeeong down the line. :) Ame & Aline, decide quicker on what you wna do with the ball once you receive a pass. For others, maybe we can give each other more support and advice on what to do better.

You'll never know what words can do. The power of it all. When i tell you you're FAST, you're STRONG, you'll believe in it, cos i believe in you too. It has worked on sock and ame before. ;) Okay, the hongkong trip is coming soon, i hope we can bring up a better performance once we're recharged and rested. Stay relax everyone. We're good alright, we're good. :D Let the hk trip be smth enjoyable and brings back only good memories.

Rmb, it's the not the opponents who matter, but what makes us vjsg. Cheers !


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