Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's what you do to me.


I woke today at the lazing hour, having had a pretty long nightmare which i can't remember details of. Only faint images of disarray and hectic schedules, woke up feeling damn right relieved that it's a sunday. Yet disappointed because i let lethargy get to me again. I think i might turn into a nightcrawler someday in the near future. While all that are fantasies, realistically speaking, i have a day life to lead and nothing can change that fact. Despite all the waste of time through sleeping, i managed to develop photographs and go for a hair cut. Best part, i fell asleep again later on the afternoon, waking up to realise it's close to 9. What to do, i let it sink in that i'm indeed tired. It's like an accumulation of sleepless nights. Some people say it isn't true, the accumulation of hours of lack of sleep daily. I believe it's something to do with the mentality when you know you haven't manage to sleep well. Subconsciously, your mind rejects the idea of waking up when it knows you can afford to sleep more. [Anthropology]

Due to a slip up of lack of insensitivity, i forgot to reply a msg which incurred some displeasure. I hate it when people don't reply my msges, as such i understand the unhappiness i caused. I promise not to do it again. & yet there are others whom i know will take forever to reply,reason being: 1) They just didn't feel like replying at the point in time& forgot to thereafter; 2) They are terribly mad at me.

My mind is rather disorientated now, i fear yet look forward to the coming week. Everyday i realise new things about humanity. How hard some people try and give their best yet do not get a chance to start, in comparison to someone who has lost passion and enthusiasm yet has a headstart due to sheer experience. But maybe, a vicious cycle may come back to bite me in the arse and tell me i don't deserve it.

Like puppy lapdogs,
Overenthusiastic & rash.
Sarcasm splattered all over the fence,
the border that was always meant to be.

Enough about me, everything is such a bore. Maybe i'll talk about johnny the next time instead.


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